syndicated technologiessuccess storyDataLittle.com

Their Background:Affordable, Insightful Small Business Intelligence
Syndicated Technologies saw a need for small businesses to be able to harness the kind of business intelligence used by large corporations, in an affordable and streamlined way.
Help has arrived. Initially built for Syndicate’s sister marketing company, Syndicate Strategies, for internal use, it was later decided to open up the software to the public to allow small businesses to be able to run data analysis on their sales and customer data. And, unlike expensive big data platforms that can cost millions, the site DataLittle.com is affordable.

Syndicate's Role:Empower Small Businesses with Big Business Analytics
Targeted Data Analysis This effective and efficient website allows CRM or ERP data to be analyzed to reveal business trends for specific products, or across service lines. Data can be mapped to customer industry for B2B customers, and perform a geographical analysis by state, county, and even a Google Street Map view of their customers. What’s more, users can create an account and upload a specific set of data reports for free. Power users can subscribe monthly to upgraded tiers that allow for even deeper analysis and the processing of more and larger sets of data.
The Result:Informed Decision Making
Now small businesses can have big business clout. Syndicate’s brainchild, DataLittle.com, empowers and supports small companies everywhere with the tools to be able to understand and evaluate their sales – allowing them to make better informed business decisions and create more effective strategies for success. At Syndicated Technologies, it’s all in a day’s work.