syndicated technologiessuccess storyCode Corp

Their Background:Affordable, Insightful Small Business Intelligence
Syndicated Technologies saw a need for small businesses to be able to harness the kind of business intelligence used by large corporations, in an affordable and streamlined way.
The mission? Code came to Syndicated Technologies in need of several website plug-ins to enhance a number of capabilities, while reducing the future coding required to maintain their sites.

Syndicate's Role:Expanding and Upgrading Capabilities
Getting Plugged In To accomplish this mission, Syndicate developed one plugin to capture sales leads and deliver them to two CRM platforms, HubSpot and Salesforce. Syndicate developed another plugin to manage documentation for Code’s products – including manuals in multiple languages. This plugin allowed Code staff to upload and arrange PDF documents that could be shared across a variety of devices, and the files would automatically populate on the frontend for the correct product in the proper language.
Firmware Library Since different devices have multiple types of firmware that are available to upgrade their capabilities, Syndicate created the ability for Code staff to build and maintain a software library that would enable users to search and download the firmware software for their specific products.
Dynamic Matrix Codes and Encryption Certain scanners have multiple settings that can be turned on or off by scanning QR and Data Matrix codes. Syndicate built a plugin that allowed Code staff to create a catalog of QR codes that could be organized and sorted, and each one could be associated with their line of products. Users could then print them out as a PDF or view them directly on screen through the frontend. Even further, some Data Matrix codes could be dynamically generated based on time and input, and encrypted.
The Result:Saving Time, Saving Labor, Reducing Costs
Syndicate’s plugins saved thousands of hours of customer support for Code, and also provided for greater customer satisfaction. And that’s not all. It also removed the requirement that Code had to write new software any time a new product was created, allowing non-technical staff to make website updates quickly, at little to no cost. Mission accomplished.